Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Paradox Pack DLC
Fact Sheet
Game Name: Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Paradox Pack DLC
Developer: Vine
Publisher: Yacht Club Games
Release Date: Aug 13, 2024
Press Contact: [email protected]
We’d like to introduce you to the Paradox Pack DLC! A delightfully expansive update that’s currently in-development! It’ll contain new stages to conquer, powerful Relics and items, challenging side rooms, hidden secrets, cool hats, and the highly anticipated Mod Support!
With all that cool content in mind, developing a well-balanced game can be quite difficult - especially if it’s a unique hybrid genre! So, just like for the Puzzler’s Pack, we thought it would be fun to invite you back to the Pocket Dungeon to help us make this DLC pack truly shine by releasing an Early Preview version on Steam!
Playable Content
New Playable Characters:
The Enchantress - Cold, brilliant, and pulsing with vile power, the Enchantress is a preternatural force in the Pocket Dungeon! Utilize her dark abilities by spending 2 HP to attack in all directions!
Cheseter - Poured in a beaker or stuffed in a bag, Chester's always got the swag! Our favorite traveling salesman gets VIP treatment to Chester Chests in the Pocket Dungeon! He can access them at any time and Relics are also offered at a low low price.
New Relics: Chester has “found” a TON of new Relics to aid you in your quest! Make sure to take ‘em for a spin.
New Hats: Mr. Hat has expanded his wares! Try out the new Broken Heart Hat, Teleporter's Trapper, Quester's Hat, and more!
New Areas to Explore:
Tief’s shady shop - Tief sells relics for cheap! However there might be a catch…
Armorer’s shop - Trade items and/or upgrade your item’s durability starting at 500 gems.
New “survive” siderooms - Survive waves of attacks for free items!
New “puzzle” siderooms - Clear the sideroom within the attack limit to open a chest with a reward
New Stages & Level Order: The Explodatorium and Lost City stages have been added!
Mod Support The game now supports Mod Support via Steamworkshop!
Download all the screenshots as a .zip (the .zip may contain more content than is shown on the page)
Download all the logos as a .zip (the .zip may contain more content than is shown on the page)
Key art
Download all the Key art as a .zip (the .zip may contain more content than is shown on the page)
Mod Support Templates
Download all the Mod Support Templates as a .zip (the .zip may contain more content than is shown on the page)
Looking to contribute to the new Steam Workshop? Here are handy templates built by the devs, example assets, and the link the full mod support documentation! Curious to see what others have made! Here are some of the examples made by the developers themselves!