How can
We help?
You’ve reached the support page for Yacht Club Games. We’ve compiled the information below to help answer many of the most commonly asked questions about our products.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact us here:
General FAQ
We get asked a bunch of questions repeatedly so maybe we can predict your next questions! If you have a Shovel Knight, Specter Knight, or Plague Knight campaign support question, maybe we’ve got you covered above! For anything else, let’s get to it:
What program do you use to do pixel animation?
Will Yacht Club allow YouTube content creators to monetize videos featuring gameplay footage?
What engine are your games made in?
Do you love Mega Man?
Will you make Shovel Knight forever and ever?!
How can I stop thinking about Shovel Knight?
Will Shovel Knight become a mermaid?
Shovel Knight Game FAQ
I updated my Mac to the latest software version, macOSBigSur (11.0.0 +), and my Shovel Knight games are not working! What do I do?
How do I update Shovel Knight to the latest Campaign? Plague of Shadows, Specter of Torment, etc
3DS: Downloaded the latest patch but Shovel Knight is not at the latest version / cannot access Specter of Torment
3DS/Wii U: Issues when using Custom Knight ( version 3.0A)
Does Shovel Knight support my controller on PC?
How about Xbox 360, iOS, and Tiger handhelds!?
Will the 3DS and Vita versions have Battle Mode or coop?
Are there any gameplay differences between the physical and digital versions of Shovel Knight?
Plague of Shadows and Specter of Torment were cool! Have you considered doing more Boss Knight Campaigns?
What is Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove?
Mina the Hollower FAQ
Mina the Hollower is our newest IP! We started a Kickstarter, but you might have more questions about Mina!
Here are a few of the questions we've received since announcing the game:
This isn’t Shovel Knight! What’s this game about?
What is a Hollower?
What was your Inspiration for the game / Why Horror?
Is this a Shovel Knight game / related to Shovel Knight?
Will there be a GBA or GBC Port?
Are all Kickstarter rewards exclusive to the Kickstarter?
Shovel Knight Retail FAQ
For any technical problems, questions concerning warranty information, or otherwise regarding a retail product contact us.