What's Next For Shovel Knight?
I'll give you a hint! It's a new game we're developing internally!
Before we go, we have one final announcement: a brand new mainline Shovel Knight game is in development!
We're committed to crafting an experience that not only honors the Shovel Knight legacy but also pioneers groundbreaking, innovative gameplay mechanics. This isn't just another sequel - it's a bold new adventure that will launch Shovel Knight into an entirely new dimension of gaming.
We're not quite ready to unveil everything just yet, rest assured, the game will bring electrifying action, richer mechanics, and all the timeless charm you expect from a Shovel Knight title.
It's been four years in the making because we're dedicated to perfecting every pixel and ensuring that the innovation will redefine what a Shovel Knight game can be.
And for those of you eager to uncover what's coming next, you might find subtle clues scattered throughout our previous games. Be sure to play Dig, Pocket Dungeon, and all the games in the Treasure Trove to notice the hidden details we've planted. Stay tuned, Shovelers- the future of the Blue Burrower is bright!